Featured Article

How titanium got the best brand of all metals

If we mention that something is made with titanium, most people will say, “Wow.” Something about titanium symbolises high quality, and everyone knows it. Yet the weird thing is that few people have a passing knowledge of chemistry or metallurgy, and even fewer could tell the difference between a piece of titanium and a piece…

December 13, 2024

Latest News

How titanium got the best brand of all metals

If we mention that something is made with titanium, most people will say, “Wow.” Something about titanium symbolises high quality, and everyone knows it. Yet the weird thing is that…


Spotting the opportunities right under Infomo’s nose

It’s nice to get the right advice. But it’s even better to get the right advice before you know you need it. When Infomo chief executive Dr. Ananda Rao asked…


Where is the true value in the US share market?

Overvalued? Undervalued? Trading sideways? Bull? Bear? No one really knows what’s happening in the equities market. We need a better way. The numbers can get overwhelming if you look only…


The ugly side of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)

Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are a funny way to protect intangible assets. They are meant to stop signees from speaking about what they see, hear or read at a company. But…


Copyright protection just got 1000x harder

Not too long ago, we hypothesised that copyright law might be the best way to short-circuit the looming artificial intelligence (AI) apocalypse. Our reasoning was simple: If the courts forced…

McDonald's ice cream machine

McDonald’s and the intangible asset of ruthless consistency

Every time McDonald’s comes up in conversation, we find a new addition to the list of why it remains one of the most successful business models in history. Ruthless consistency…


Intangible assets are full of conspiracies

We love to laugh at conspiracy theories. Who can possibly believe that extraterrestrials secretly rule the world or that aircraft exhaust brainwashes people? Conspiracies are silly, right? Well, not exactly….


How intangible assets can help solve third-world poverty

To see the power of intangible assets, try reframing a problem and asking how the hidden value can be unlocked. It will be there, but it just needs to be…


Can your IP survive in the age of the internet?

At the end of September, major parts of the notorious shadow library LibGen (Library Genesis) were switched off after a US court ordered it to pay $30 million to compensate…


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